We develop ideas, Project spaces, Urban Shape provides integral solutions in the fields of architecture, urbanism and the engineering related residential building, for tertiary or industrial use. We integrate engineering and architecture with sustainability criteria, alleviating the environmental impact and maximizing the performance of projects with energy-saving strategies and a marked social commitment. Our multidisciplinary team has been fulfilling the needs of developers and investors, giving them support and providing solutions to their needs from the very beginning to the moment the project becomes operational.


From our Architecture division we have experience in project and site management as well as control services in the tertiary sector; education building, tourism, residential both private and state subsidised.


Nowadays and increasingly, architecture and engineering must go hand-in-hand in order to build better and more sustainable buildings producing the smallest environmental footprint. The best way to put into practice this philosophy in our projects is to integrate it in our company culture, so that Urban Shape provides this substantial added value to its Project which integrates architecture and engineering from the initial idea to the very last detail. The accumulated experience in the last years in the field of engineering has allowed us to develop comprehensive solutions for projects of any scale and in different sectors such as residential, commercial or industrial as well as urban development in the following fields of engineering:
• Industrial Cold
• Electricity
• Air conditioning
• Fire protection


We have a wide experience in urban development both in planning and land management which allows us to offer a wide range of services and comprehensive advising at technical and legal level


We provide highly qualified technicians with expertise in each of the knowledge areas of the services we offer, direct control on the construction site both of quality as well as project carrying out and planning follow-up, cost controlling and even project monitoring. In the recent years our customers’ needs have evolved towards a comprehensive service and we have evolved with them offering among other services:
• Project Management
• Construction Management
• Management Contracting